When reading poetry, it may be hard to imagine yourself as someone who can create beautiful lines that carry artistic meaning and flow well together. It can be difficult to fall into a pattern of creating with words when you may have no experience with it. So, if you want to start writing, consider some of these tips as you delve into the world of poetic writing.
Consider Form
Poetry can come in many different forms: haikus, sonnets, particular rhyme schemes, and more but that does not need to be something that intimidates you. An easy way to start writing is to avoid falling into a certain category and just use words that sound good together or most specifically articulate the aim of the poem. You can circle back to a poem form that you like later once you are confident in your word choice if you would like to.
Consider Word Choice and Brevity
A unique feature of poetry is its ability to paint a picture or convey an emotion in fewer words than prose. Consider the imagery created by Robert Frost in his poems as opposed to the lengthy multi-page descriptions of Charles Dickens. Both have value, but the succinctness of poetry is a draw to many readers and writers. This is why it is important that you know where you are going with the poem.
As you write, you want the reader to be drawn into the world that you create. Choose words that evoke emotion and words that have connotations to pare down the number of words needed to describe something. If you are writing about taking a walk in the woods, then you may consider replacing “walking calmly” with “ambulating” so that there are fewer words to read without losing the tranquil feeling of a walk.
Have a Theme
Given that a poem is typically short, you will want to get to the point. You don’t need an introduction or conclusion; you are simply dumping the reader into the world that you have created. This means that your thematic elements and language should be consistent–especially in your first poems. You are dictating the readers thoughts and feelings as they peruse your lines, so have a poetic voice that is consistent and convincingly on theme.
Gather Inspiration from Other Authors
Poetry is just as much an art form as painting and drawing, so to gather inspiration for your own work, you may want to investigate the world of poetry. Some authors are very verbose, while others use far fewer words. Some are romantic, and some are realists. The poetry that you like all depends on your unique taste. The Poetry Foundation is a great resource for finding authors from across the globe and time periods that can spur your poetic journey.
Writing poetry is a great way to destress and manage your emotions if you are of the artistic inclination, but sometimes it is hard to know where to start your writing journey. By following these simple tips as you develop your new hobby, you are sure to create work that will make you proud. However, if you do not love the first one that you write, the beauty in creativity is trying again until you find the words and lines that best represent your artistic imagination. Don’t give up; just keep writing.